Los mejores barcos para el Gran Bucle

Los 4 mejores barcos para la aventura del Gran Bucle


La Aventura del Gran Bucle es un viaje único en la vida, que ofrece la oportunidad de explorar las numerosas vistas, sonidos y experiencias de las vías navegables del mundo. Navegantes de todo tipo se embarcan en este viaje, que ofrece una gran variedad de vistas, sonidos y experiencias a lo largo del camino.

La Aventura del Gran Bucle, un cautivador viaje en barco que recorre más de 9.656 km de vías navegables que abarcan el este de Europa y el norte de África. Estados Unidos y Canadá, ofrece a los navegantes la oportunidad de explorar una gran variedad de paisajes, culturas y experiencias. Si está pensando en embarcarse en esta increíble travesía, elegir el barco adecuado es vital para garantizar un viaje cómodo y agradable. En este artículo, exploraremos los mejores barcos para el Gran Bucle: arrastreros, cruceros con camarote, cruceros a motor (o barcos exprés) y barcos remolcables, cada uno de ellos equipado de forma única para hacer que este viaje inolvidable merezca la pena.

The Great Loop Doing the entire thing can take up to 1 year
El Gran Bucle: Hacer el bucle completo puede llevar hasta 1 año En el sur, el Gran Bucle incluye la Intracoastal Waterway

Al seleccionar el mejor barco para el Gran Bucle, deben tenerse en cuenta varios factores cruciales para garantizar un viaje tranquilo y agradable. El barco ideal debe tener una velocidad de crucero de 7-9 nudos, proporcionando eficacia y versatilidad para navegar por las diversas vías fluviales que se encuentran durante el viaje. Es esencial una buena autonomía, con un mínimo de 500 millas (unos 805 km), ya que a lo largo de la ruta son frecuentes las largas distancias entre paradas para repostar.

Además, el tiro de aire es una consideración crítica, con un máximo de altura de 6 pies (1,83 metros) para pasar bajo los puentes bajos que forman parte de la experiencia del Gran Bucle. La eslora total (LOA) no debe ser superior a 7 m (22 pies) para garantizar que el barco pueda pasar por las esclusas y puertos deportivos a lo largo del viaje.

Más allá de estos criterios específicos, hay otros factores importantes que contemplar a la hora de comprar un barco para el Gran Bucle. Entre ellos figuran:

  1. Comodidad y alojamiento: Dado que el Gran Bucle implica largos periodos en el agua, es esencial para el bienestar de la tripulación disponer de un camarote cómodo y bien equipado, con literas para dormir, cocina y cuarto de baño.
  2. Eficiencia de combustible: Las embarcaciones con motores y diseños de casco eficientes son ventajosas para los viajes de larga distancia, ya que garantizan la rentabilidad y reducen la necesidad de repostar con frecuencia.
  3. Estabilidad y navegabilidad: Teniendo en cuenta las diversas condiciones del agua del Gran Bucle, un diseño de embarcación estable y en condiciones de navegar proporcionará confianza y seguridad durante el viaje.
  4. Almacenamiento y provisiones: Un amplio espacio de almacenamiento para provisiones, equipo y efectos personales es crucial para una travesía prolongada. También se necesitan provisiones adecuadas y capacidad de almacenamiento de agua para la autosuficiencia durante los tramos remotos del viaje.
  5. Navegación y electrónica: Equipar el barco con herramientas de navegación fiables, cartas, GPS y dispositivos de comunicación es vital para una navegación segura y precisa, especialmente en aguas desconocidas.
  6. Capacidad de remolque: Si desea la opción de remolcar su embarcación a diferentes puntos de partida a lo largo de la ruta, la selección de una embarcación remolcable garantiza la flexibilidad y el acceso a varias secciones del Gran Bucle.
  7. Mantenimiento y fiabilidad: Un barco bien mantenido y fiable minimizará el riesgo de averías inesperadas y garantizará un viaje sin preocupaciones.
  8. Presupuesto: Establecer un presupuesto realista, teniendo en cuenta tanto el coste inicial de compra como los gastos de mantenimiento continuado, es esencial para encontrar una embarcación que se ajuste a sus necesidades financieras.

Teniendo en cuenta estos factores, un barco arrastrero más pequeño es lo mejor para un viaje largo del gran bucle aventurero. A continuación encontrará algunos ejemplos.

Los 4 mejores barcos para el Great Loop y la Intracoastal Waterway (ordenados por tipo)

1. Arrastreros: Navegar por las vías navegables con facilidad

Los arrastreros son famosos por su rendimiento constante y su bajo consumo de combustible, lo que los convierte en la opción ideal para la aventura del Gran Bucle. Estas embarcaciones disponen de un interior espacioso, con zonas de estar bien equipadas, cocina y cómodos dormitorios. La capacidad de largo alcance de las embarcaciones de arrastre permite a los navegantes afrontar la extensa ruta del Gran Bucle con confianza, ya que pueden navegar cómodamente a un ritmo pausado y disfrutar del impresionante paisaje. Con un amplio espacio de almacenamiento para las provisiones, los arrastreros ofrecen la comodidad y fiabilidad necesarias para un crucero prolongado.

1.1 El Jeannau Merry Fisher 795

Best Boats for the Great Loop Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795
Los mejores barcos para el Gran Bucle: Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795

La Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 es una embarcación a motor bien construida y versátil, que mide aproximadamente 24 pies (7,4 metros) de eslora. Con su tamaño y peso manejables, es perfecta para navegar por las intrincadas vías navegables y maniobrar por las esclusas a lo largo de la ruta del Gran Bucle y... Lago Michigan igual.

Equipada con un fiable motor fueraborda, la Merry Fisher 795 presume de una impresionante gama de caballos de potencia, proporcionando potencia suficiente para un cómodo crucero y un eficiente consumo de combustible. Esto le permite cubrir largas distancias con facilidad, disfrutando de las impresionantes vistas de ríos, lagos y canales a lo largo de la aventura del Great Loop.

Una de las características más destacadas de la Merry Fisher 795 es su capacidad de remolque. Con una embarcación de este tamaño y peso, puede transportarla fácilmente en un remolque a diferentes tramos de la ruta del Gran Bucle. Esta flexibilidad le permite explorar varios segmentos, garantizando un viaje diverso y enriquecedor a medida que descubre nuevos paisajes y experiencias por el camino.

La seguridad es primordial durante cualquier aventura náutica, y la Merry Fisher 795 está diseñada pensando en su seguridad. Con su sólida construcción y características bien diseñadas, puede navegar con confianza las diversas condiciones del agua que se encuentran en el Gran Bucle. Desde los robustos pasamanos para mayor estabilidad hasta las luces de navegación estratégicamente situadas para una visibilidad óptima, esta embarcación está diseñada para mantenerle seguro y tranquilo durante su viaje.

En resumen, el Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 es un barco práctico y preparado para la aventura en su expedición por el Gran Bucle. Su tamaño óptimo, su potencia, sus capacidades de remolque y su enfoque en la seguridad lo convierten en un compañero fiable y agradable mientras se embarca en esta memorable odisea náutica. Así pues, prepárese para zarpar, emprenda el viaje y deje que la Merry Fisher 795 le lleve a vivir momentos extraordinarios a lo largo del Gran Bucle. Su gran tamaño lo convierte también en uno de los mejores barcos para la amplia Intracoastal Waterway.

1,2 Jeannau Merry Fisher 695

Los mejores barcos para el Gran Bucle Jeanneau Merry Fisher 695
Los mejores barcos para el Gran Bucle Jeanneau Merry Fisher 695

El Jeanneau Merry Fisher 695 es un Trawler compacto y capaz, que mide aproximadamente 22 pies (6,55 metros) de eslora. Aunque es ligeramente más pequeño que su hermano, sigue siendo una embarcación muy adecuada para navegar por las vías navegables y los pasajes del Gran Bucle.

Equipada con un fiable motor fueraborda, la Merry Fisher 695 ofrece una amplia potencia, lo que garantiza una navegación suave y un consumo eficiente de combustible. Su potente motor le permite cubrir distancias significativas mientras aprecia los diversos paisajes y cautivadores escenarios a lo largo de la ruta del Gran Bucle.

Al igual que su homóloga de mayor tamaño, la Merry Fisher 695 está diseñada para facilitar su transporte en remolque. Su tamaño y peso manejables hacen que sea fácil de transportar en un remolque, dándole la libertad de explorar diferentes segmentos del Gran Bucle. Esta característica añade una deliciosa sensación de flexibilidad a su viaje, permitiéndole adaptar su itinerario a sus preferencias.

La seguridad sigue siendo la máxima prioridad en el diseño de la Merry Fisher 695. A pesar de su menor tamaño, esta embarcación está construida con materiales robustos e incorpora elementos de seguridad como pasamanos seguros y luces de navegación estratégicamente situadas. Puede navegar por las distintas condiciones del agua con confianza, sabiendo que su seguridad está bien considerada en todos los aspectos.

En resumen, la Jeanneau Merry Fisher 695 es una embarcación capaz y preparada para la aventura en su escapada al Gran Bucle. Su tamaño compacto, potencia fiable, comodidad de remolque, y el enfoque en la seguridad lo convierten en una excelente opción para explorar las vías navegables encantadoras y paisajes cautivadores que le esperan en este viaje extraordinario. Así pues, prepárese para embarcarse en un viaje memorable y deje que la Merry Fisher 695 le guíe hacia una experiencia inolvidable a lo largo del Gran Bucle.

1.3 Ranger Tugs R 29 CB

Los mejores barcos para el Great Loop Ranger Tugs R 29 CB
Los mejores barcos para el Great Loop Ranger Tugs R 29 CB

The Ranger Tugs R-29 CB is a top-tier cruising boat that offers both comfort and practicality for your boating adventures. With its smart design, efficient power, and trailerability, it is an exceptional choice for embarking on the Great Loop journey or any other nautical exploration that sparks your imagination. So, get ready to set sail, create lasting memories, and let the Ranger Tugs R-29 CB lead you to unforgettable moments on the water!

Size and Layout: The Ranger Tugs R-29 CB boasts a length of approximately 29 feet (8.8 meters) and a beam (width) of around 10 feet (3 meters). This size provides ample space for a thoughtful and well-designed layout, ensuring comfort and convenience during extended voyages.

Cabin Comfort: The R-29 CB features a spacious cabin equipped with all the amenities needed for a comfortable journey. Inside, you’ll find a cozy and inviting living space with a fully equipped galley, comfortable sleeping quarters, and a well-appointed head (bathroom). The cabin’s smart design makes it an ideal home away from home during your cruising adventures.

Cockpit and Deck: The boat’s cockpit and deck area are intelligently designed to maximize space and functionality. The cockpit provides a social and entertaining area for familia and friends, making it perfect for relaxing, dining, or simply enjoying the stunning views along your journey.

Performance and Power: The Ranger Tugs R-29 CB is powered by a reliable and efficient diesel engine, offering excellent fuel economy and long-range cruising capabilities. With its sturdy hull and stable design, this boat performs admirably in various water conditions, making it suitable for both protected waterways and open-water cruising.

See the R-29 in action on YouTube:

The Ranger Tugs R-29

Trailerability: One of the standout features of the R-29 CB is its trailerability, allowing you to transport it easily from one destination to another. You will require a big truck to haul it. Trailers have 3-axis to hold the weight of this boat.

Great Loop Suitability: The Ranger Tugs R-29 CB is an excellent choice for the Great Loop adventure. Its size, layout, and trailerability make it well-suited for navigating the diverse waterways and locks along the route. You’ll have the freedom to explore various sections of the Great Loop, ensuring a rich and diverse boating experience.

1.4 Ranger Tugs R27

Best Boats for the Great Loop Ranger Tugs R 27
Best Boats for the Great Loop Ranger Tugs R 27

The Ranger Tugs R-27 is a remarkable cruising boat that packs a punch with its clever design and practical features. Whether you’re exploring coastal waters or embarking on the Great Loop adventure, this vessel is sure to deliver an unforgettable and enjoyable boating experience. So, raise the anchor, chart your course, and let the Ranger Tugs R-27 lead you on a captivating voyage filled with endless possibilities and cherished memories on the water!

Size and Layout: The Ranger Tugs R-27 showcases a length of approximately 27 feet (8.2 meters) and a beam (width) of around 8 feet 6 inches (2.6 meters). Despite its slightly smaller size compared to the R-29, it is designed with efficiency and practicality in mind, offering a thoughtfully designed layout to maximize space and functionality.

Cabin Comfort: The R-27 features a well-appointed and comfortable cabin, complete with all the amenities necessary for extended cruising. Inside, you’ll find a cozy living space, a fully equipped galley with modern appliances, a dinette area that converts into a berth, a private head (bathroom) with a shower, and a comfortable sleeping area. The clever use of space ensures a welcoming and relaxing environment during your boating escapades.

Cockpit and Deck: Just like its larger siblings, the R-27 boasts a versatile cockpit and deck area. The cockpit offers a social hub for gatherings, outdoor dining, or simply taking in the breathtaking views. The open deck space allows for ease of movement while handling lines and anchoring, making your boating experience hassle-free and enjoyable.

Performance and Power: The Ranger Tugs R-27 is equipped with a reliable and fuel-efficient diesel engine, providing excellent cruising range and economy. Its semi-displacement hull design ensures a comfortable ride and steady handling, allowing you to navigate different water conditions with confidence.

Trailerable Convenience: Like other Ranger Tugs models, the R-27 is designed for trailerability, giving you the flexibility to explore various water bodies and embark on adventures beyond your home port. This feature allows you to tailor your boating experiences to your desires and take your vessel to new and exciting destinations.

Great Loop Suitability: The R-27 is well-suited for the Great Loop journey, thanks to its manageable size, efficient power, and trailerability. It offers a perfect blend of comfort, performance, and convenience, allowing you to navigate the diverse waters, locks, and canals encountered along the Great Loop route.

2. Cruceros con camarote: Una combinación perfecta de comodidad y versatilidad

Cabin Cruisers, with their stylish design and comfortable cabins, are another popular choice for the Great Loop Adventure. Equipped with amenities akin to a small apartment, cabin cruisers offer a delightful living space with a galley, bathroom, and sleeping accommodations. Their ability to navigate both inland and coastal waters makes them versatile, ensuring you can explore various waterways along the Great Loop route. Cabin cruisers strike a balance between comfort and maneuverability, providing a delightful boating experience for extended voyages.

Best Boats for the Great Loop Famous Cabin Cruisers
Best Boats for the Great Loop: Famous Cabin Cruiser

Cabin cruiser boats offer a wonderful and unique experience, essentially being mobile mini vacation homes on the water. They provide the perfect plataforma to take your entire family on exciting waterborne adventures and create lasting memories.

Whether you opt for a small cabin cruiser or a larger one, the possibilities are endless. These vessels grant you the flexibility to explore new ports, navigate scenic waterways, and embark on thrilling journeys to various destinations. Long weekends become a delightful opportunity to immerse yourself in the boating lifestyle, soaking in the beauty of nature while enjoying the comforts of your onboard cabin.

Imagine leisurely cruising to new coastal towns, each offering a unique charm and culture to discover. Spend your days exploring picturesque harbors, quaint marinas, and charming fishing villages, all from the comfort of your floating vacation home.

But cabin cruisers don’t just cater to wanderlust; they also provide a fantastic platform for relaxation and fun. Picture a lazy afternoon anchored in a secluded cove, where the family can swim, sunbathe, and enjoy deportes acuáticos to their heart’s content. You can even organize impromptu beach picnics or grill mouthwatering meals onboard, all while savoring the tranquil surroundings.

These versatile boats truly offer the best of both worlds—a balance between adventure and relaxation. Whether you’re an avid boater or a first-time explorer, cabin cruisers are the perfect vessels to embark on unforgettable waterborne journeys, bonding with loved ones and creating cherished memories that will be treasured for years to come. So, pack your bags, hoist the anchor, and set sail on your floating vacation with the delightful cabin cruiser—a true gateway to the boating lifestyle and endless waterborne adventures!

3. Cruceros a motor o "barcos exprés": La emoción de la aventura

For those seeking a combination of speed and luxury, Power Cruisers, commonly known as “Express Boats,” present an excellent option. Designed for swift travel, they allow you to cover more ground in a shorter time, leaving ample room for exploring the charming towns and attractions along the Great Loop. With their sleek designs, spacious decks, and modern amenities, Power Cruisers deliver an exhilarating adventure without compromising on comfort. However, due to their faster pace, careful planning for refueling and docking is essential for an enjoyable journey.

Best Boats for the Great Loop Famous Express Boats
Best Boats for the Great Loop Famous Express Boats

4. Embarcaciones remolcables: Flexibilidad y accesibilidad

Trailerable Boats provide the unique advantage of mobility, enabling boaters to begin the Great Loop Adventure from various starting points along the route. These boats are designed to be towed easily, making it possible to explore different segments of the loop at your own pace. With a range of sizes and configurations available, trailerable boats are suitable for adventurous individuals and families looking to customize their Great Loop experience. However, it’s crucial to choose a trailerable boat that strikes a balance between size, comfort, and seaworthiness to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.

Características que debe tener el mejor barco para el Gran Bucle

When it comes to planning your Great Loop adventure, you’ll want to make sure you choose the right boat. To make the best choice, there are a few key features you’ll want to look for. Firstly, you’ll want your boat to be durable and suitable for long-term use. The size of the boat should also be taken into account, as you will need enough room for yourself and any other passengers. Additionally, the structure of the boat should be considered, as it will need to withstand the elements and any rough waters you may encounter. Finally, you’ll want to make sure your boat is equipped with the necessary amenities to make your journey comfortable and enjoyable.

Pros and Cons of Each Boat

When embarking on a Great Loop Adventure, it is important to consider the pros and cons of each boat type before deciding on the right boat for the journey. Cruiser boats are usually heavier and more stable making them perfect for longer journeys. Trawlers are ideal for those intending to take slower and more leisurely journeys as they have slow-speed engines. Catamarans are great for open waters, as their twin hulls provide more stability in choppy waters.

Motor yachts provide a luxurious and comfortable journey, while sailboats are ideal for those who enjoy the challenge of navegar. Finally, houseboats are great for those who want to take their home with them, as they come decked out with all the amenities of a house.

However, each boat type comes with its own set of drawbacks. Cruisers can be expensive due to their size and weight. Trawlers have limited speed and cannot outrun storms. Catamarans are hard to maneuver in tight spaces and require a lot of maintenance. Motor yachts are not suitable for shallow waters due to their hull depth. Sailboats require a crew to operate and cannot travel as fast as motorized boats. Lastly, houseboats can be hard to maneuver and require plenty of fuel to power them.

Consideraciones importantes: Los mejores barcos para el Gran Bucle

When choosing the best boat for your Great Loop adventure, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. Cost is an obvious factor, as the boat and associated fees can add up quickly. Maintenance should also be taken into account, as some boats require more upkeep than others. Additionally, the fuel requirements of the boat should be taken into account when deciding which one to choose. Finally, make sure you have the proper insurance for the boat to ensure you are covered in the event of an emergency.

Consejos de expertos: Los mejores barcos para el Gran Bucle

To ensure a successful and safe journey, there are a few significant things to consider when selecting a boat for the Great Loop. First, consider the size and weight of the boat—the more weight the boat has, the tougher it will be to navigate the Loop, and to haul it. Additionally, it is indispensable to inspect the boat for any structural damage, as well as check the boat’s fuel capacity to make sure it can handle the journey. Lastly, insurance and maintenance costs must be taken into account, as well as the cost of the boat itself.

For those with no experience in selecting a boat for the Great Loop, it is best to consult an expert who knows the ins and outs of the journey and can help you pick the best boat for your needs. They can provide valuable advice on what features are most important and can help you find the best boat for you.

The best boat for the Great loop has a cruising speed of not more than 7-9 nudos, proporcionando eficacia y versatilidad para navegar por las diversas vías fluviales que se encuentran durante el viaje. Es esencial una buena autonomía, con un mínimo de 500 millas (unos 805 km), ya que a lo largo de la ruta son frecuentes las largas distancias entre paradas para repostar.

Además, el tiro de aire es una consideración crítica, con un máximo de altura de 6 pies (1,83 metros) para pasar bajo los puentes bajos que forman parte de la experiencia del Gran Bucle. La eslora total (LOA) no debe ser superior a 7 m (22 pies).

Conclusiones: Los mejores barcos para el Gran Bucle

The Great Loop is a fantastic adventure that many people aspire to achieve. It is critical to have the best boat for the trip to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. Durability, size, structure, amenities, cost, maintenance, fuel, and insurance are all important factors to consider. Cruisers, trawlers, catamarans, motor yachts, sailboats, and houseboats are all popular boats for this adventure.

When shopping for a boat, make sure to look for features such as a sturdy construction, plenty of storage space, and fuel economy. Additionally, make sure to take into account the cost of maintenance and fuel, as well as the right insurance coverage. With the right boat and a bit of expert advice, it is possible to make the Great Loop a reality.

Embarking on the Great Loop Adventure promises a once-in-a-lifetime experience filled with stunning landscapes, diverse cultures, and cherished memories. Selecting the right boat type is key to enhancing your journey’s comfort, safety, and overall enjoyment. Whether you opt for the stability of Trawlers, the versatility of Cabin Cruisers, the excitement of Power Cruisers, or the flexibility of Trailerable Boats, each boat type has its unique advantages that can make your Great Loop Adventure truly unforgettable.

Before setting sail, thoroughly research the specifications, features, and reviews of different boat models to find the perfect match for your needs and preferences. Regardless of the boat type you choose, the Great Loop Adventure is sure to be a transformative experience that will stay with you forever. Bon voyage!

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